Wednesday 17 August 2022

Making Real Life a Game | does gamifying life work for productivity?

One thing that’s bugged me is the inspiration to be more productive, such as working on this blog, or learning a language. I’ve always found it easier to just sit at home after a hard day at work and just sit and watch YouTube to get that easy gratification fix. But I’ve been recently trying to change my lifestyle and the best way I’ve found is to turn your life into a game.

Working to a schedule is hard, it’s easy to look at it and just say “Nah” and do something else. I’ve been struggling to build those good habits, whether it be trying through a journal, planner or finding motivation on forums. 

Habitica is one of the most visually interesting of the bunch

Saturday 22 January 2022

Virtual Fighter X | The story behind VF4's early development known as VF-X

One of Sega's biggest franchises Virtual Fighter is to return some point this year in 2022 under the name Virtual Fighter X Esports. Upon it's announcement I was initially excited, then I felt confused - that name sounds awfully familiar? Well back in the year 2000, Sega's next entry in the franchise was called just that - minus the 'Esport'.

Anyway, I thought it would be fun to look back at the inception of the real Virtual Fighter X back before it was known as the 4th entry in the franchise, and what Sega's plans were before it was renamed became a staple in the mainline series as we know it.

Original VF-X Logo
Official Logo on Sega AM2 site

Welcome to Input Archive - My First Post of Many

Thank you visiting!  This will be the place to find everything strange, unheard of and interesting about gaming. I will update the blog on a...