Saturday 30 December 2023

The Hunt for Dreamcast 2 | A search for the truth [Intro]

So there's been a lot of talk about the Dreamcast 2, whether it is just hypothetical 'what if' scenarios discussed among fans or made up renders peddling Sega returning back to the console market. However not a lot of discussion, or research, has been made surrounding the possibility or mention of a Dreamcast follow up.

This is just the intro to a huge research project I started a few years back looking into whether the Dreamcast 2 existed. This isn't a fan wish list or a hypothetical look into Sega returning, this is everything or anything relating to an official Dreamcast 2 surrounding 1996-2002.

I started this project started around 3 years ago when I saw a post talking about a Dreamcast 2. In there, it linked to an IGN article back around mid 2000 reporting how Shoichiro Irimajiri had stepped down as president to work on a console successor to the Dreamcast.

This one news article opened the flood gates, and the more I dug, the more I found. I scoured easily over 150 hours on the way back machine, tonnes of game magazines in physical and PDF formats, books and more. As I started to catalogue and assess everything I found, I asked myself - why has no one ever done this before?

A lot of information discussed will also talk about the Dreamcast and Sega's business strategy. When you are looking at hundreds - if not thousands - of articles around business strategies, you start to see parallels with what Sega was doing, and wanted to do at the time. This helps to draw a bigger picture to how the Dreamcast 2 would fit in and what it would be.

So what did I find? Quite a bit...

Welcome to Input Archive - My First Post of Many

Thank you visiting!  This will be the place to find everything strange, unheard of and interesting about gaming. I will update the blog on a...