Saturday 13 February 2021

Ken Kutaragi on PS4 | The PlayStation's creator input on PS4

The PS4 was the first console not headed by the creator himself, Ken Kutaragi, and ultimately had more western influence then other PlayStation console that came before. We're gonna look back and see if the grandfather of PlayStation had any influence on Sony's most successful console.

Despite stepping being replaced as President of Sony Computer Entertainment by Kazuo Hirai, on the 30th November 2006, Ken still had plans for Sony's next console. On the 1st May 2007, Ken talked about how he had visions on what the PS4, PS5 and PS6 were going to be which will apparently "merge into the network" - All we can assume from this statement is growing push for online connectivity - something Sony highlighted with its PS Plus debut a few years later. 

Without a major role in the company, Ken would apparently still have a strong relationship with Sony going forward; supplying his design models for the PS3 for the next 2 years as of his retirement date. His involvement probably revolved around the redesigns of the first iteration of PS3 models, including a massive redesign to cut costs wherever possible.

At the time, Shigeo Maruyama asked Ken prior to PS3's launch, what his plans were for the PS4 - which he replied with  -"PlayStation 4 is not my responsibility".

Interestingly, chairman of SCE at the time, Shigeo Mayumaa, asked Ken in 2006 (prior to PS3's launch) what his plans were for the PS4. Ken replied "Playstation 4 is not my responsibility" - but also mentioned that he wasn't going to be involved in PS4 more than seven years before the PS4 ended up shipping. 

Shortly after in 2007, Ken left Sony and in early 2008, Mark Cerny and the team began development of the PlayStation 4. This confirms that Ken Kutaragi, despite having visions of what PS4 was going to be in his own mind, didn't play any kind of role in the development of the PS4. 

So what did Mr Kutaragi think of the PlayStation 4? Prior to the PS4's release on June 2013, Ken spoke the 'Thinking of the Future of Entertainment' conference.What's really fascinating is that Ken referenced his original vision mentioned back in 2006 of the PS4 'merging with networks'.

"I thought that I was the only one who envisioned this, but times change, and now there are many in the world who have that same idea as a matter of course, even because the world is fully connected now. I hope that what the platform will offer will make you say “Wow!” in spite of yourself."

Ken was so impressed in fact, that a year later in July 2014, he even contemplated collaborating with Sony again in the near future. From what I can tell, nothing came of this, but he expressed how pleased he was with the PS4 and how the console had fit his original vision all those years ago.


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